Paddy is the most essential human food crop in the world, directly feeding more people than any other crop. Paddy is a nutritional staple food that provides instant energy as its most important component is a carbohydrate (starch). Paddy is a gluten-free grain and so it has increased popularity among those who are avoiding wheat products. Many of the health benefits of paddy come from the vitamins and minerals that it provides. The thiamin in paddy is a B vitamin that helps with carbohydrate metabolism.
Andhra Pradesh | CR Dhan 506, Arize Tej, RH-1531, CR Dhan 801 (Phalguni), Karishma NPH 8899, 27P61, JKRH 3333, Kanak, DRR Dhan 45, DRR Dhan 42, CR Sugandh Dhan 907 |
Bihar | 27P31, 27P36, Arize 6444 Gold, Arize Tej, CNR 2, CO 4, CO 51, CR Dhan 201, CR Dhan 300, CR Dhan 306, CR Dhan 701, CR Dhan 802, CR Sugandh Dhan 909, DRR Dhan 40, DRR Dhan 41, GK 5022, IGKVR 2, JKRH 3333 Hybrid, NK 16520 Hybrid, PNPH 24, Sabour Ardhjal, Sabour Deep, Sabour Shree, Sabour Surbhit, Sukhadhan 5, Sukhadhan 6, TM 07278, US 314, VNR 2375 plus |
Gujarat | Gujarat Anand Rice-2, CR Dhan 300, CR Dhan 205, NPH 2003 Deva, Arize Tej, 27P61, JKRH 3333, Sujala, CR Dhan 701, CR Sugandh Dhan 907 |
Haryana | Pusa Basmati 1509, Vallabh Basmati 22, SBH 999 Subeej Sugandh, 37P22, Malviya Basmati dhan 10-9, Pusa Basmati 1728, Pusa Basmati 1718, Pusa Basmati 1637, Pusa 1592, Pant Basmati 2, NPH 2006 Kohinoor, Basmati CSR-30, Basmati-370, Unnat Pusa Basmati, Pusa Basmati 6, Vallabh Basmati 24 |
Karnataka | CR Dhan 506, Madhu, Mandya Rani, Jothi, 25P25, RH-1531, KPH 272, VNR 2375 PLUS, Prakash, IR 20, Pushpa, Mangala, Karna, Avinash (Gama 318), MTU1001 (Vijetha), Pragathi, Phalguna (CZ), 27P31, 27P61, Kanak, Arize 6444 Gold, DRR Dhan 45, DRR Dhan 42, DRR Dhan 41, Abilash, Intan, Hemavathi, Shakthi, US 382 |
Madhya Pradesh | CR Dhan 306, CR Dhan 205, CR Dhan 310, CR Dhan 802, VNR 2375 PLUS, NPH 2003 Deva, JRB-1, JRH-19, US 382, RH-1531, KPH 467, Champion NPH 207, Karishma NPH 8899, 27P31, 27P36, DDR dhan 46, Basmati CSR-30, Pusa Basmati 1121, Unnat Pusa Basmati, Pusa Basmati 6, Pavan NPH 909 |
Maharashtra | CR Sugandh Dhan 909, NPH 2003 Deva, Sahyadri-2, Sahyadri-3, Sahyadri-4, RH-1531, KPH 467, VNR 2375 PLUS, Ratnagiri-5, Ratnagiri-6, Ratnagiri-7 (Red Rice), Karjat-9, Karishma NPH 8899, Sahyadri, Pusa RH-10, Mangala, Kalyani, 27P31, Kanak, Sujala, DDR dhan 46, Ratnagiri-8, Trombay Karjat Kolam, Karjat-8, Sahyadri-5, Karjat-10 |
Punjab | CR Dhan 205, PR-121, PR-122, PR-123, PR-124, PR-126, Pusa Basmati 1509, Pusa Basmati 1609, Punjab Basmati 2, Punjab Basmati 3, Punjab Basmati 4, Punjab Basmati 5, Punjab Mehak 1, 37P22, VNR 2375 PLUS, PR-127, Malviya Basmati Dhan 10-9, Pusa Basmati 1728, Pusa Basmati 1718, Pusa Basmati 1637, Pusa 1592, Pusa Basmati 1121, Pant Basmati 2, NPH 2006 Kohinoor, Basmati CSR-30, Basmati-370, Pusa Basmati 6, Unnat Pusa Basmati |
Rajasthan | Pratap-1, Bhupesh, Kasturi, PHB-71, Taravari Basmati, Basmati-370, PR-106, Pusa Basmati 1509, Pusa Basmati 1121, Unnat Pusa Basmati, Pusa Basmati 6 |
Tamilnadu | 27P31, 28P09, ADT 36, ADT 37, ADT 38, ADT 39, ADT 43, ADT 44, ADT 45, ADT 46, ADT 47, ADT 48, ADT 49, ADTRH 1, Arize 6444 Gold, Arize Tej, ASD 16, ASD 17, ASD 19, Bhavani, BPT 5204, Chinsurh Chawal, CO 43, CO 46, CO 47, CO(R) 48, CO(R) 49, CO(R) 50, CO 4, Co 51, CORH 1, CORH 2, CORH 3, CORH 4, CR Dhan 205, CR Dhan 401, DRR Dhan 40, Indira Aerobic 1, IR 20, IR 36 |
Telangana | CR Dhan 506, Arize Tej, RH-1531, KPH 272, CR Dhan 801 (Phalguni), Karishma NPH 8899, 27P61, JKRH 3333, Kanak, NK 16520, DRR Dhan 45, DRR Dhan 42, CR Sugandh Dhan 907 |
Uttar Pradesh | Pusa Basmati 1509, Pusa Basmati 1609, Vallabh Basmati 22, Champion NPH 207, SBH 999 Subeej Sugandh, RH-1531, SAVA 127, CR Dhan 801 (Phalguni), Pusa Basmati 1637, Pusa 1592, Pant sugandh Dhan-21, Pant Basmati 2, Karishma NPH 8899, NPH 910 Badshah, NPH 2006 Kohinoor, Arize 6444 Gold, 27P31, PAC 801, NK 16520, Basmati CSR-30, CR Dhan 500, CR Dhan 309, CR Dhan 310, CR Sugandh Dhan 908, CR Sugandh Dhan 909, Pavan NPH 909, Pusa Basmati 6, Unnat Pusa Basmati, Vallabh Basmati 21, Vallabh Basmati 23, Vallabh Basmati 24 |
West Bengal | Basmati 564, Binadhan 10, Binadhan 11, Binadhan 12, Binadhan 8, BNKR 1 (Dhiren), BS 158, Chinsurah Nona 1 (IET 23403), Chinsurh Chawal, CO 4, CO 51, CR Dhan 304, CR Dhan 407, CR Dhan 508, CR Dhan 510, CR Dhan 511, CR Dhan 601, CR Dhan 801 (Phalguni), CR Sugandh Dhan 908, DRR Dhan 40, JKRH 3333 Hybrid, PAN 2423, PNPH 24, Pushpa, Rajdeep CN 1039-9, US 314, VNR 2355 PLUS |
Seed rate and spacing
Seed rate: 20-25kg seed per hectare of fine,30-35kg seed for medium, and 35- 40kg seed for coarse paddy in the nursery to transplant it in one-hectare land
Spacing: 20*15 cm, 20*10 cm.
Soil Requirement
Paddy can be grown in a wide variety of soils ranging from loam to sandy loam to clay loam, but clay loam soils with good water retention capacity are considered the best.
Method of sowing
Paddy is sown by the Transplanting or broadcasting method.
Fertilizer doses
(i) High Yielding Early Maturing NPK @ 120:60:60
(ii) High Yielding Medium Maturity NPK @ 150:60:60
(iii) Scented paddy (dwarf) NPK @ 120:60:60
Apply half the dose of nitrogen and a full dose of phosphorus and potash before transplanting as basal dressing and the remaining dose of nitrogen should be used in two installments 1st at the time of tillering and the 2nd at the time of emergence of ears as a top dressing.
Diseases of Paddy
1.Blast: Pyricularia oryza.
Symptoms: In leaf blast, the lesions on the leaf blade are elliptical or spindle-shaped with brown borders and gray centers. Under favorable conditions, lesions enlarge and coalesce eventually killing the leaves. Collar blast occurs when the pathogen infects the collar that can kill the entire leaf blade. The pathogen also infects the node of the stem that turns blackish and breaks easily.
Management Practices: Foliar Spray:Ediphenphos 50% EC @ 500-600 ml/ha in 750-1000 litre water. (200-240 ml/acre in 300-400 litre of water).Hexaconazole 5% EC@1000 ml/ha in 500 litre water.( 400 ml/acre in 200 litre of water)Isoprothiolan 40% EC@750 ml/ha in 500-1000 litre water. (300 ml/acre in 200-400 litre of water).Kasugamycin 3% SL@1000-1500 ml/ha in 750-1000 litre water.(400-600 ml/acre in 300-400 litre water).
2.Bacterial leaf blight:Xanthomonas oryzae pv.oryzae.
Symptoms: Symptoms appear on the leaves of young plants as pale-green to grey-green, water-soaked streaks near the leaf tip and margins. These lesions coalesce and become yellowish-white with wavy edges. The whole leaf may eventually be affected, becoming whitish or greyish and then dying. Systemic infection results in wilting, desiccation of leaves, and death, particularly of young transplanted plants. In older plants, the leaves become yellow and then die.
Management Practices: Seed Treatment: Streptomycin Sulphate 90% + Tetracylin Hydrocloride 10% SP @ 40 ppm. Seedling Treatment: Streptomycin Sulphate 90% + Tetracylin Hydrocloride 10% SP @ 40-100 ppm. Foliar spray:treptomycin Sulphate 90% + Tetracylin Hydrocloride 10% SP @ 150-150 ppm.Copper Hydroxide53.8% DF@ 1500 gm/ha in 500 lit of water. (600 gm/acre in 200 litre of water).
3.Rice tungro virus:Tungro virus.
Symptoms: Plants affected by tungro exhibit stunting and reduced tillering. Leaves that become yellow or orange-yellow, may also have rust-colored spots. Discoloration begins from the leaf tip and extends down to the blade or the lower leaf. Delayed flowering, panicles small and not completely exerted Most panicles sterile or partially filled grains.
Management Practices: Planting of Resistant varieties against Tungro virus disease. Elimination of hosts and viruses and victor of the disease. Among the cultural management practices, adjusting the date of planting is recommended. Crop Rotation with Pulses or Oilseeds.Ploughing and harrowing the field to destroy stubbles right after harvest. Destruction of weed hosts on bunds.
4.Brown spot: Helminthosporium oryzae.
Symptoms: The disease appears first as minute brown dots, later becoming cylindrical or oval to circular spots. Spots measure 0.5 to 2.0mm in breadth – coalesce to form large patches. Then several spots coalesce and the leaf dries up. Infection also occurs on the panicle, neck with a brown color appearance. Dark brown or black spots also appear on glumes. Seeds are also infected (black or brown spots on glumes spots are covered by olivaceous velvety growth).
Management Practices: Seed Treatment:Carbendazim 25%+ Mancozeb 50% WS@ 30-35gm/10 kg seed.Foliar Spray:Hexaconazole 4%+Zineb 68%WP@1000-1250 gm/ha in 500 litre of water (400-500 gm/acre in 200 lit water).Propineb70%WP @ 1.5-2 kg in 500 liter of water. (600-800 gm/acre in 200 liter of water. Ediphenphos 50% EC @ 500-600 ml/ha in 750-100 liter water. (200-240 ml/acre in 300-400 liter water.
5.Sheath blight: Rhizoctonia solani.
Symptoms: Initial symptoms are noticed on leaf sheaths near water level. On the leaf sheath oval elliptical or irregular greenish-grey spots are formed. As the spots enlarge, the center becomes greyish white with brown margins.The spots coalesce and the leaf sheaths die showing rotting symptoms. The infection extends to the inner sheaths resulting in the death of the entire plant.
Management Practices: Seed Treatment:Carbendazim 50%WP@2gm/per kg seed treatment.
Foliar Spray: Difenoconazole25% EC@50 ml/ha in 100 Litre water. (20 ml/acre in 40 litre of water).
Hexaconazole75 %WG@66.7ml/ha in 500 litre water. (26.68 ml/acre in 200 litre water).
Iprodione 50% WP@2250 gm/ha in 750 litre water. (900 gm/acre in 300 litre of water).
Hexaconazole 5%EC@1000ml/ha in 500 lit water.(400 ml/acre for 200 lit water).
Hexaconazole 5 % SC@ 200 ml/ha in 100 lit water.
Hexaconazole 75% WG@ 66.7 ml/ha in 500 litre water.(26.68 ml/acre in 200 litre of water).
Pest of Paddy
1.Yellow stem borer : Scirpophaga incertulus
Nature of damage: Presence of brown-colored egg mass near leaf. Caterpillar bore into the central shoot of paddy seedling and tiller, causing drying of the central shoot known as “dead heart”.Grown-up plant whole panicle becomes dried “white ear. Plants could be easily pulled.
Management Practices: Soil application: Cartap hydrochloride 4% GR @18kg/ha (7.5kg/acre)
Foliar spray: Cartap hydrochloride 50% SP@ 1000ml/ha in 500–1000 lit. Water (400ml/acre in 200-400 lit. of water) or Fenpropathrin 30% EC @333ml/ha in 500 lit. of water (133ml/acre in 200 lit. of water) or Chlorantraniliprole 18.5% SC @150ml/ha in 500 lit. of water (60ml/acre in 200 lit. of water) or Lambda-cyhalothrin 5% EC @250ml/ha in 400-600 lit of water (100ml/acre in 160-240 lit of water) or Imidacloprid 6% + Lambdacyhalothrin 4% SL@300ml/ha in 500 lit of water (120ml/acre in 200 lit of water) or Chromafenozide 80% WP@94-125ml/ha in 500 lit of water.
2. Case worm: Nymphula depunctalis
Nature of damage: Caterpillars feed on green tissues of the leaves and leaves become whitish papery. Tubular cases around the tillers by cutting the apical portion of leaves. Floating of tubular cases on the water. Cutting off leaf tips to make leaf cases.
Management Practices: Foliar spray: Phenthoate 50% EC @ 1000 ml/ha in 500-1000 lit of water (400ml/acre in 200-400lit of water)
3. Leaf folder: Cnaphalocrocis medinalis
Nature of damage: Leaves fold longitudinally and larvae remain inside. Larva scrapes the green tissues of the leaves, becomes white and dry during severe infestation the whole field exhibits scorched appearance.
Management Practices: Foliar spray: Fenpropathrin 30% EC@ 333 ml/ha in 500 lit of water (133ml/acre in 200 lit of water) or Chlorantraniliprole 18.5% SC@150ml/ha in 500 lit of water (60ml/acre in 200 lit of water) or Cartap hydrochloride 50% SP @1000ml/ha in 500 –1000 lit of water (400ml/acre in 200-400 lit of water) or Monocrotophos 36 % SL@625ml/ha in 500 – 1000 lit of water (250ml/acre in 200-400 lit of water) or Chromafenozide 80% WP @94-125ml/ha in 500 lit of water (38-50ml/acre in 200 lit of water) or Lambda-cyhalothrin 5% EC @250ml/ha in 400-600 lit of water (100ml/acre in 160-240 lit of water) or Bifenthrin 10% EC @500ml/ha in 500 lit of water (200ml/acre in 200 lit of water) or Chlorpyrifos 20% EC@1875ml/ha in 500-1000 lit of water (750ml/acre in 200-400 lit of water)or Chlorpyriphos 1.5% DP @ 25000 gm/ha (10000 gm/acre)
4. Green leafhopper: Nephotettix virescens
Nature of damage: Yellowing of leaves from tip to downwards. Vectors for the diseases viz., Rice tungro virus, rice yellow & transitory yellowing cause direct damage to the rice plant. Retarded vigorous and stunted growth. Drying up the plant due to sucking up of the leaf.
Management Practices: Foliar spray: Imidacloprid 17.8 SL@100 –125ml/ha in 500 – 700 lit of water (40-50ml/acre in 200-300 lit of water) or Thiamethoxam 25 WG@100g/ha in 500-750 lit of water (40ml/acre in 200-300 lit of water)orAcephate 75% SP@666-1000ml/ha in 300-500 lit of water (266-400ml/acre in 120-200 lit water) or Ethofenoprox 10%EC@500-750ml/ha in 500 lit of water (200-300ml/acre in 200 lit of water)or Deltamethrin 11% W/W EC @ 150 ml/ha in 500 lit. water (60 ml/acre in 200 lit. water) or Carbosulfan 6% G @ 16700 gm/ha (6680 gm/acre) or Fipronil 5% SC @ 1000-1500 ml/ha in 500 lit. water (400-600 ml/acre in 200 lit. water) or Triazophos 20% WG @ 1500 gm/ha in (500 lit. water ( 600 gm/acre in 200 lit. water)
5. Brown plant hopper: Nilaparvata lugens
Nature of damage: Nymphs and adults congregate at the base of the plant above the water level. Affected plant dries up and gives a scorched appearance called “hopper burn”. Circular patches of drying and lodging of matured plants. It is a vector of grassy stunt, ragged stunt and wilted stunt diseases. Ovipositional marks exposing the plant to fungal and bacterial infections. Ragged stunt or grassy stunt virus disease plant may be observed.
Management Practices: Foliar spray: Dinotefuran 20% SG@150-200ml/ha in 500 lit of water (60-80ml/acre in 200 lit of water) or Imidacloprid 17.8 SL@100–125ml/ha in 500–700 lit of water (40-50ml/acre in 200-280 lit of water) or Ethofenoprox 10%EC @500-750ml/ha in 500 lit of water (200-300ml/acre in 200 lit of water) or Acephate 95% SG@592g/ha in 500 lit of water (237g/acre in 200 lit of water) orPymetrozine 50% WG @300g/ha in 500 liter of water (120g/acre in200 liter of water)
6.Gall midge: Orseola oryzae
Nature of damage: The maggot feeds at the base of the growing shoot causing formation of a tube-like gall similar to “onion needle” or “silver-shoot”. Infested tillers produce no panicles.
Management Practices: Soil application: Carbofuran 3% CG @ 25 kg/ha (10kg/acre)Foliar spray: Lambda-cyhalothrin 5% EC@250ml/ha in 400-600 lit of water (100ml/acre in 160-240 lit of water) or Carbosulfan 25% EC@800-1000ml/ha in 500-1000 lit of water (320-400ml/acre in 200-400 lit of water) or Chlorpyriphos 1.5% DP @ 25000 gm/ha (10000 gm/acre)